Batch convert all Sheets in thousands of XLSX spreadsheets to JPG images
Translation:简体中文繁體中文EnglishFrançaisDeutschEspañol日本語한국어,Updated on:2025-03-07 17:07
Summary:JPG is the most common image format, highly versatile and suitable for sharing on web pages and social media, facilitating online distribution and display. It can also be directly inserted into Word, PPT, or other documents. When there are numerous Excel worksheets and you want to quickly preview without opening the files, batch converting to JPG format enhances file security and usability.
1、Usage Scenarios
When multiple Sheets in Excel spreadsheet files need to be shared with others but you don't want them to be modified, you can batch convert them to JPG image files. This enhances file security while also providing a quick preview version of the Sheets.
Before Processing:
After Processing:
3、Operation Steps
Open the 【HeSoft Doc Batch Tool】 and select 【Excel Tools】 - 【Excel to JPG Image】.
【Add File】 to add single or multiple Excel spreadsheet files that need to be converted to JPG images.
【Import Files from Folder】 to import all Excel spreadsheet files from the selected folder.
Below, you can view the imported files.
【Processing Range】Select to process all worksheets, then click Next.
After processing is complete, click on the save location to view the successfully converted JPG image files.