User Agreement

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We: 武汉市核烁科技有限公司 and its affiliates

Our contact information: Contact Us

User: A person who uses the products or services we provide through channels such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers.

Last Updated Date:2024-10-09

I. Overview

1. This product and related services are applications and related services that we legally own and operate. The User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is an agreement between you and us regarding your use of this product and related services.

2. In order to better provide you with services, please carefully read and fully understand this Agreement before starting to use this product and related services, especially the terms involving exemption or limitation of liability, rights license and information use, applicable law and dispute resolution terms.

3. If you are a minor, you and your legal guardian should carefully read, fully understand and agree to this Agreement.

4. If you do not agree to the terms in this Agreement, please do not use this product and related services. If you choose to use this product and related services on your own, it is deemed that you have fully understood this Agreement and agree to be bound by this Agreement and other agreements and rules related to this product and related services (including but not limited to the "Privacy Policy") as a party to this Agreement.

5. We have the right to unilaterally decide, arrange or designate affiliates, controlling companies, successor companies or third-party companies recognized by the company to continue to operate this product and related services according to the needs of the operation of this product and related services. In addition, some services involved in this agreement may be provided to you by the company's affiliates, controlling companies, successor companies or third-party companies recognized by the company. If you accept the relevant service content, you should accept that the relevant rights and obligations are also subject to this agreement.

6. When you use this product and related services, you also use products or services not provided by us (other third parties). In addition to complying with the provisions of this agreement, you should also comply with the user agreements and relevant legal agreements of other third parties. We and other third parties shall each bear corresponding responsibilities for possible disputes within the scope of legal provisions and agreements.

7. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on the content of this agreement, please contact us in a timely manner through the official contact information provided by us.

II. This product and related services

1. You can obtain this product and receive related services through our official and officially authorized channels. If you do not obtain this product and related services through our officially authorized channels, we cannot guarantee that the unofficial version can be used normally.

2. We may develop different versions for different terminal devices. You should obtain, download and install the appropriate version according to the actual device conditions.

3. You can use this product and related services or update the version as needed. If you no longer need to use this product and related services, you can uninstall this software. If you are willing to help us improve our products and services, please let us know the reason for your uninstallation. We would like to express our gratitude.

4. In order to better improve the user experience and services, we will provide updates or changes to this product and related services from time to time, including but not limited to deletion, modification, upgrade, function enhancement, development of new services, replacement of existing content, etc. for this product and related services.

5. To ensure the security of this product and related services and improve user services, we will remind you in an appropriate manner if feasible after this product and related services are partially or fully updated, including but not limited to system prompts, website announcements, etc.

6. After the updated version of this product and related services is released, the old version may not be available. We do not guarantee that the old version will continue to be available, nor do we guarantee that the corresponding customer support services will be available.

7. After this product and related services are updated or changed, you should continue to use this product and related services only after accepting the adjustments made by us. We may change or restrict some functional effects due to business development needs.

8. Unless authorized in writing by us in advance, you should not access or use this product and related services in any form, including but not limited to copying, adapting, disseminating, mirroring, trading, and using this product and related services as a tool for providing commercial services to others without authorization.

9. We grant you a personal, revocable, non-transferable, non-exclusive right to legally use this product and related services. You do not own this product. You may use this product and related services for personal study, office, and entertainment needs, but you may not directly use this product and related services to provide profitable or non-profit commercial services to third parties. At the same time, if we do not exercise any of the above rights, it does not constitute a waiver of such rights. The validity of the authorization depends on the following conditions:

(1) The use of this product does not violate this agreement and the rules of this product.

(2) You have obtained the necessary authorization and qualifications to use this product and related services.

(3) This agreement is accepted in full and has not been violated.

(4) You have not infringed our intellectual property rights or other legal rights in any way.

III. About "Account"

1. Account refers to the electronic identity certificate you use to log in and use this product and related services as a registered user.

2. When you need to terminate the use of account services, you can apply to cancel your account if you meet the following conditions:

(1) You can only apply to cancel your own account and cancel it in accordance with our procedures.

(2) You shall still bear the corresponding responsibility for your use of this product and related services before you cancel your account.

(3) After successful cancellation, account records, functions, etc. will not be restored or provided.

(4) You choose to voluntarily give up all the rights and interests remaining in your account (including membership rights, balance, etc.) and do not require us to provide any form of compensation or compensation.

3. If you need to cancel your account, you can contact us through official channels. We will complete the cancellation or negotiate with you to confirm the account cancellation within fifteen working days after receiving your request.

4. You understand and promise that the account you set up shall not violate national laws, regulations and relevant rules, and your account name and other registration information and other personal information shall not contain illegal and bad information. You shall not open an account in the name of others (including but not limited to impersonating others' names, titles, avatars, etc. or taking other confusing methods) without their permission, and you shall not maliciously register accounts (including but not limited to frequent registration, batch registration of accounts, etc.). You must abide by relevant laws and regulations during account registration and use, and shall not carry out any behavior that infringes on national interests, damages the legitimate rights and interests of other citizens, and is harmful to social morality. We have the right to review the registration information you submit, but our review does not establish any obligations for us.

5. The account you register is limited to your own use. Without our written consent, it is prohibited to give, lend, rent, transfer, sell or otherwise allow others to use the account in any form. If we find or have reasonable reasons to believe that the user is not the original registrant of the account, in order to ensure the security of the account, we have the right to immediately suspend or terminate the provision of services to the registered account, and have the right to permanently disable the account.

6. You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your personal account and password, and assume full legal responsibility for the activities you engage in under the name of your registered account, including but not limited to all legal responsibilities that may arise from any data modification, speech publication, payment and other operations you perform on this product and related services. You should attach great importance to the confidentiality of your account and password, and do not disclose your account and password to others under any circumstances. If you find that someone else uses your account without permission or any other security vulnerability occurs, you should immediately notify us for processing.

7. If you forget your account information or cannot log in through your account due to other circumstances, you can follow the guidance of the product and related pages or contact us to request to retrieve your account information. You understand and acknowledge that the account retrieval mechanism only identifies whether the information provided by the applicant is consistent with the background information, and cannot guarantee whether the applicant is the real authorized user of the account. We especially remind you to keep your account information properly. When you have finished using it, you should log out. If your account is stolen or your password is lost due to your own reasons such as improper storage or other force majeure, you should bear the corresponding responsibility.

8. When registering, using and managing your account, you should ensure the authenticity of the information you fill in when registering your account. If the materials or information you submit are inaccurate, untrue, irregular, illegal, or we have reason to suspect that they are wrong, untrue or illegal, we have the right to refuse to provide you with relevant services, and you may not be able to use this product and related services or some functions will be restricted during use.

9. After you complete account registration, log in and conduct reasonable and necessary verification, you can ask us to query and correct the personal information you submitted. You understand and agree that for security and identity identification (such as account information or password retrieval services, etc.), you may not be able to modify the initial registration information and other verification information provided during registration. You can also apply to cancel your account. We will assist you in canceling your account after completing reasonable and necessary verification of identity, security status, device information, infringement complaints, etc., and delete all information about your account in accordance with your requirements, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

IV. User Personal Information Protection

We work with you to protect your personal information (i.e., information that can identify you independently or in combination with other information). Protecting user personal information is one of our basic principles. In the process of using this product and related services, you may need to provide your personal information so that we can provide you with better services and corresponding technical support. We will protect your rights to browse, correct, delete relevant personal information and withdraw authorization in accordance with the law, and will use encryption technology, anonymization processing and other technical measures and other security measures that match this product and related services to protect your personal information.

V. User Behavior Code

1. You shall be responsible for your use of this product and related services. Unless permitted by law or with our prior written permission, you shall not use this product and related services to engage in the following behaviors:

(1) Use any plug-in, plug-in, system or third-party tool that is not authorized or permitted by us to interfere with, destroy, modify or otherwise affect the normal operation of this product and related services.

(2) Using or targeting this product and related services to conduct any behavior that endangers computer network security.

(3) Illegal intrusion into the network, interference with the normal function of the network, stealing network data and other activities that endanger network security.

(4) Providing programs and tools specifically used to engage in activities that endanger network security, such as intrusion into the network, interference with the normal function and protection measures of the network, stealing network data.

(5) Providing technical support and other assistance to others who are aware of their activities that endanger network security.

(6) Using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts.

(7) Accessing public computer networks or other people's computer systems without permission and deleting, modifying, or adding stored information.

(8) Attempting to explore, scan, test the weaknesses of a system or network without permission, or other acts that undermine network security.

(9) Attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of a system or website, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other acts that disrupt or interfere with normal network information services.

(10) Reverse engineer, reverse assemble, compile or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of this product and related services.

(11) Other acts that violate laws and regulations, this Agreement, our relevant rules and infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others.

2. If we have reason to believe that your behavior violates or may violate the above agreement, we can independently judge and deal with it, and at any time, we have the right to terminate the provision of services to you without prior notice and pursue relevant responsibilities in accordance with the law. Please note that this does not mean that we guarantee that we can deal with all breaches of contract by you or other users in a timely manner, nor does it establish any obligations for us.

3. The information you produce, comment on, publish and disseminate should consciously comply with laws and regulations, ensure that the information does not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the state, society or any other third party, and ensure its authenticity. Otherwise, we have the right to take corresponding measures immediately. You agree and promise not to produce, copy, publish or disseminate the following information:

(1) Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution.

(2) Endangering national security and leaking state secrets.

(3) Subverting the state power, overthrowing the socialist system, inciting the secession of the country, and undermining national unity.

(4) Damaging the honor and interests of the country.

(5) Promoting terrorism and extremism.

(6) Promoting ethnic hatred and ethnic discrimination and undermining national unity.

(7) Inciting regional discrimination and regional hatred.

(8) Undermining the state's religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstitions.

(9) Fabricating and spreading rumors and false information, disrupting economic and social order, and undermining social stability.

(10) Spreading and disseminating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, or inciting crimes.

(11) Endangering network security, using the network to endanger national security, honor and interests.

(12) Insulting or slandering others, infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others.

(13) Involving the privacy, personal information or data of others.

(14) Spreading obscene words and damaging social order and morality.

(15) Infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others, such as privacy, reputation, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, etc.

(16) Spreading commercial advertisements, or similar commercial solicitation information, excessive marketing information and spam.

(17) Other information that violates laws, regulations, policies, interferes with normal operations, or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.

4. You can complain to us and report all kinds of illegal and irregular behaviors, illegal dissemination activities, illegal and harmful information, etc. through our official contact information. We will promptly accept and handle your complaints and reports.

VI. Information Content Usage Specifications

Without our written permission, no user or third party may, on their own or authorize, allow, or assist others to conduct the following actions on the information content of this product and related services:

(1) Copy, read, or use the information content of this product and related services for commercial purposes.

(2) Edit, organize, or arrange the information content of this product and related services without authorization and then display it on channels other than the pages of this product and related services.

(3) On their own or assist third parties to generate adverse effects such as traffic flow, reading volume guidance, transfer, or hijacking on the information content of this product and related services.

(4) Other illegal acquisition or use of information content of this product and related services.

VII. Breach of Contract Handling

1. In response to your violation of this Agreement or other terms of service, we have the right to independently judge and take measures such as early warning, deletion of content, restriction of part or all functions of the account until the termination of service provision, and permanent closure of the account, etc., depending on the circumstances. We do not bear any responsibility for the consequences of your inability to use the account and related services normally, inability to obtain assets or other rights and interests in your account normally, etc. We have the right to announce the handling results and decide whether to restore the use of the relevant account based on the actual situation. For suspected violations of laws and regulations and suspected crimes, we will keep relevant records and have the right to report to the relevant competent authorities, cooperate with the relevant competent authorities in investigations, and report to the public security organs in accordance with the law. We have the right not to restore the deleted content.

2. If you violate this Agreement or other terms of service and cause third-party complaints or litigation claims, you should handle it yourself and bear all legal responsibilities that may arise from it. If we and its affiliates, controlling companies, and successor companies pay compensation to any third party or are punished by state organs due to your illegal or breach of contract behavior, you shall also fully compensate us and its affiliates, controlling companies, and successor companies for all losses suffered as a result.

3. We respect and protect the intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, and other legal rights and interests of users and others. You guarantee that the text, pictures, videos, audios, links, files, etc. uploaded when using this product and related services do not infringe on the intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, and other rights and legal rights of any third party. Otherwise, we have the right to remove the suspected infringing content upon receipt of a notice from the right holder or relevant party. You shall handle all claims of rights raised by third parties on your own and bear all legal responsibilities that may arise therefrom; if we and its affiliates, controlling companies, and successor companies suffer losses (including but not limited to economic and goodwill losses) due to your infringement, you shall also fully compensate us and its affiliates, controlling companies, and successor companies for all losses suffered.

VIII. Changes, interruptions and terminations of services

1. You understand and agree that the products and related services we provide are provided in accordance with the current status of existing technology and conditions. We will do our best to provide you with services to ensure the continuity and security of the services. You understand that we cannot foresee and prevent legal, technical and other risks at any time or all the time, including but not limited to force majeure, network reasons, third-party service defects, third-party websites and other reasons that may cause service interruptions, inability to use this product and related services normally, and other losses and risks.

2. You understand and agree that we have the right to decide to modify, interrupt, suspend or terminate this product and related services according to specific circumstances for the needs of overall service operation and platform operation security.

IX. Advertising

1. You understand and agree that we may display and push relevant information, advertising or brand promotion information to you on the product and related service pages, including showing you third-party commercial advertisements (including but not limited to information, mobile applications, links to third-party services). We cannot guarantee the authenticity and validity of third-party commercial advertisements. Please make your own judgment.

2. We may also send you commercial advertisements through e-mail, mobile phone text messages, etc. You can choose to refuse to accept such advertisements. If you choose to refuse, we will no longer provide you with such commercial advertisements through the corresponding channels.

X. Intellectual Property

1. The intellectual property rights of the content (including but not limited to software, technology, programs, web pages, text, pictures, images, audio, video, charts, layout design, electronic documents, etc.) provided by us in this product and related services belong to us and its actual rights holders. The copyright, patent right and other intellectual property rights of the software on which our products and related services rely belong to us and its actual rights holders. Without the permission of us and its actual rights holders, no one may use (including but not limited to monitoring, copying, disseminating, displaying, mirroring, uploading, downloading) the content in this product and related services without authorization (including but not limited to monitoring, copying, disseminating, displaying, mirroring, uploading, downloading through any robot, crawler or other program or equipment).

2. You may not delete any rights marks on this product and related services.

3. You may not make any explicit or implicit use of any rights logo contained in this product and related services without authorization.

4. You understand and promise that the content published, provided, and uploaded when using this product and related services (including but not limited to text, pictures, audio, files and other forms of content and all components contained therein) are all original or legally authorized by you. The intellectual property rights of the content generated by your uploading and publishing belong to you or the original copyright owner, but you should authorize us to use the content you uploaded based on the functions or services you choose.

XI. Disclaimer

1. You understand and agree that this product and related services may be affected or interfered by various factors. We do not guarantee (including but not limited to):

(1) This product and related services are fully suitable for the user's usage requirements.

(2) This product and related services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, reliable or error-free.

(3) Any software, services or other materials obtained by users through us will meet the user's expectations.

(4) Any errors in this product and related services will be corrected.

2. Please be cautious about the information you come into contact with during the use of our products and related services and judge its authenticity on your own. You shall bear the corresponding responsibility for any losses caused to you by the actions you perform based on the information on our products and related services.

3. When you use this software or require us to provide specific services, we may call a third-party system or support your use or access through a third party. The results of the use or access are provided by the third party. We do not guarantee the security, accuracy, effectiveness and other uncertain risks of the services and content provided by the third-party system or the results achieved by the support. Any disputes and damages caused by this have nothing to do with us and we do not assume any responsibility.

4. You understand and agree that in the process of using this product and related services, you may encounter force majeure and other factors (force majeure refers to objective events that cannot be foreseen, overcome or avoided), including but not limited to government actions, natural disasters (such as floods, earthquakes, typhoons, etc.), network reasons, wars, strikes, riots, etc. In the event of force majeure, we will strive to repair it in a timely manner as soon as possible, but we will not be liable for any suspension, termination, or termination of service or any losses caused by force majeure within the scope permitted by laws and regulations.

5. We have the right to deal with illegal and illegal content in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. This right does not constitute our obligation or commitment, and we cannot guarantee that illegal acts will be discovered in a timely manner or handled accordingly.

6. You understand and agree that we only guarantee you with the current actual use of products and related services. Regarding this product and related services, we do not provide any kind of express or implied warranty or condition, including but not limited to the effectiveness and use effect of this product and related services. You shall bear the corresponding risks for your use of this product and related services.

7. In any case, we will not be liable for your profit loss due to the use of this product and related services. Unless otherwise expressly provided by laws and regulations, the total liability we bear to you shall not exceed the fees you pay to us during the period of using this product and related services.

XII. About paid content

1. You need to pay to obtain some of the content of this product and related services, and you can choose whether to pay. Please read the specific paid content carefully before purchasing, the function effect, service content, usage rules, etc. If you have any questions about the specific paid content, please consult us in time for confirmation before purchasing. If there is a separate agreement for some paid functions, you should ensure that you have carefully read, understood and agreed to all the contents of the corresponding agreement before purchasing.

2. If a specific service or benefit does not indicate the period of use, the period of use of these services is from the date you start using the service to the date when the service is no longer provided in the software.

Thirteen, Terms of Use for Minors

1. If you are a minor, you should carefully read and agree to this Agreement under the supervision and guidance of your guardian and with the consent of your guardian before you can use this product and related services.

2. We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. When filling in personal information, minor users should strengthen their awareness of personal protection and treat it with caution, and should use this product and related services correctly with the consent of their guardians and under the guidance of their guardians.

3. Minor users and their guardians understand and confirm that if you violate laws and regulations and the contents of this Agreement, you and your guardian shall bear all legal responsibilities resulting therefrom in accordance with the law.

Fourteen, Others

1. The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the country where we are located. If any provision of this Agreement is invalid due to conflict with the laws of our country, these terms shall be reinterpreted and applied as close to the purpose of this Agreement as possible without violating the law, and the other provisions of this Agreement shall remain fully valid and effective.

2. If any dispute arises between you and us, the two parties shall resolve it through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute to the competent court where we are located.

3. If you have any questions about this agreement and its execution, please contact us in time for confirmation.

Disclaimer: The text, images, videos, etc., on this website are limited to the software version and operating environment used when creating this content. If subsequent product updates cause your operations to differ from the content on the website, please refer to the actual situation!