【HeSoft Doc Batch Tool】All Versions Release Record
Translation:简体中文繁體中文EnglishFrançaisDeutschEspañol日本語한국어,Updated on:2025-03-25 15:08
v0.7 (2025-03-25)
[Fixed] PNG with transparency needs to support transparency when converted to Webp
[New] Support for classifying files in batch arrangement by filename using starting/ending character count, custom range, and custom regex
[New] Batch delete blanks in text files
[New] Batch convert text files to Word, PDF format
[New] Batch add parent folder name to the beginning or end of file names
[New] Batch add total page count to filenames of Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF documents
[New] Batch rename PDF files using the first line of text
[Other] Removed image conversion to RAW
[Other] No longer supports direct login with local license files
v0.6 (2025-03-10)
[Fix] Fixed an issue where naming image files exported from Excel by specified columns was not working in certain cases
[New] Batch convert image files to png
[New] Batch convert image files to bmp
[New] Batch convert image files to gif
[New] Batch convert image files to jpeg
[New] Batch convert image files to jpg
[New] Batch convert image files to psd
[New] Batch convert image files to raw
[New] Batch convert image files to svg
[New] Batch convert image files to tif
[New] Batch convert image files to tiff
[New] Batch convert image files to webp
[New] Batch convert image files to tga
[New] Batch convert image files to avif
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to jpg
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Fodp
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Html
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Markdown
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Odp
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Otp
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Pdf
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Pot
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Potm
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Potx
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Pps
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Ppsm
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Ppsx
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Ppt
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Pptm
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Pptx
[New] Batch convert PPT slide files to Xps
[Optimization] When converting documents to multiple images, the file names of the images are standardized to aligned numeric sequences, such as: 001,002...
v0.5 (2025-02-28)
[New] Batch convert PDF to jpg images
[New] Batch convert PDF to Excel spreadsheets
[New] Batch convert PDF to Svg images
[New] Batch convert PDF to other versions of PDF, such as PDF/A, PDF/UA, PDF/X, ZUGFeRD, PDF 1.x, PDF 2.0
[New] Batch convert PDF to docx format Word documents
[New] Batch convert PDF to epub e-books
[New] Batch convert PDF to html web pages
[New] Batch convert PDF to pptx slides
[New] Batch convert PDF to txt notepad
[New] Batch convert PDF to xml
[New] Batch convert PDF to xps
[New] Batch convert Excel to jpg images
[New] Batch convert Excel to svg images
[New] Batch convert Excel to docx format Word documents
[New] Batch convert Excel to pdf
[New] Batch convert Excel to xps
[New] Batch convert Excel to html web pages
[New] Batch convert Excel to json
[New] Batch convert Excel to numbers
[New] Batch convert Excel to txt notepad
[New] Batch convert Excel to xml
[New] Batch convert Excel to csv
[New] Batch convert Excel to xls spreadsheets
[New] Batch convert Excel to xlsx spreadsheets
[New] Batch convert Excel to xlsm
[New] Batch convert Excel to xltx
[New] Batch convert Excel to xltm
[New] Batch convert Excel to xlam
[New] Batch convert Excel to xlsb
v0.4 (2025-02-21)
[Added] Support for filling images into cells in Excel address-to-image feature using floating or embedded methods
[Added] Batch conversion of Word documents to jpg image format
[Added] Batch conversion of Word documents to azw3 ebook format
[Added] Batch conversion of Word documents to mobi ebook format
[Added] Batch conversion of Word documents to odt document format
[Added] Batch conversion of Word documents to ott document format
[Other] Detail optimizations
v0.3 (2025-02-11)
[Added] Batch convert Word to Epub ebook format
[Added] Batch convert Word to txt notepad plain text format
[Added] Batch convert Word to RTF rich text format
[Added] Batch convert Word to Excel spreadsheet format
[Added] Batch convert Word to html webpage format
[Added] Batch convert Word to markdown text format
[Added] Batch convert Word to svg image format
[Added] Batch convert Word to xps format
[Added] Batch convert Word to dot format
[Added] Batch convert Word to dotx format
[Added] Batch convert Word to dotm format
[Added] Batch convert Word to docm format
[Added] Batch convert Word to docx format
[Added] Batch convert Word to doc format
[Added] Batch convert Word to PDF format
v0.2 (2025-01-20)
[New] Automatically convert image URLs or image disk paths in Excel into images
v0.1 (2025-01-10)
[New] Classify files by the first letter of the filename
[New] Classify files by file extension
[New] Convert odd pages of PDF to even pages
[New] Export images from Excel and support renaming by column
[New] Rename Word files using the first line of text
[New] Rename text files using the first line of text
[Other] Detail optimization
v0.0.2 (2025-01-04)
[New] Batch split images into smaller ones by count or fixed width and height
[Other] Detail optimizations
Test Version Released