Total 233 records, currently on page 6/8
151、Convert local disk paths in Excel to images
2025-02-12HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert local disk paths in Excel to images
152、Convert http URLs in Excel to images
2025-02-12HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert http URLs in Excel to images
153、Rename text files using the first line
2025-02-12HeSoft Doc Batch ToolRename text files using the first line
154、Rename Word files using the first line
2025-02-12HeSoft Doc Batch ToolRename Word files using the first line
156、Convert odd pages of PDF to even pages
2025-02-12HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert odd pages of PDF to even pages
159、Play multiple audio files simultaneously
2025-02-12HeSoft Multi-function Media Album ViewerPlay multiple audio files simultaneously
160、Play multiple videos simultaneously
2025-02-12HeSoft Multi-function Media Album ViewerPlay multiple videos simultaneously
161、Batch preview multiple images
2025-02-12HeSoft Multi-function Media Album ViewerBatch preview multiple images
162、Quickly batch convert over a hundred Word documents to PDF format
PDF has many significant advantages; its perfect compatibility and convenience can adapt to various occasions. When a large number of docx files are completed in work and study, converting them to pdf files is a good method to maintain document layout and prevent content tampering for easy transmission. After conversion, the stability, security, and other aspects of the files are greatly improved, making it especially suitable for the distribution of official documents, cross-platform transmission, printing needs, and long-term preservation. The following explains how to quickly batch convert over a hundred docx files into pdf format.
2025-02-11HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert Word to PDF
163、Classify and place hundreds of file names with version numbers into the same folder based on the first occurring number in the version number
Files are initially operated on and modified with version numbers to distinguish whether they are historical versions or the latest versions, helping to avoid confusion and misuse of old versions during team operations. If multiple file names with version numbers are mixed together, how can they be categorized and placed into corresponding folders? Here is how to quickly batch classify and summarize a large number of files based on the first occurring number.
2025-02-11HeSoft Doc Batch ToolClassify files by file nameClassify by the first number
164、Batch add personal name suffix content to tens of thousands of file names
There are a large number of files in the computer folder, and many files may have different versions and naming conflicts. In a poorly managed environment, this can lead to confusion and make it difficult to find the required files promptly. By adding a personal name suffix to the rightmost part of the file names, you can clearly identify the person responsible for the files, allowing for quick author identification, classification, archiving, and improved file management efficiency. The following explains how to batch add a personal name suffix to the right side of multiple file names at once, with support for adding prefix content as well.
2025-02-11HeSoft Doc Batch ToolAdd Prefix and Suffix to File NamesAdd Text to the Rightmost Side
165、Add quarter, year, and other relevant suffixes to the end of file names in a large number of folders
Creating a project requires managing a large number of files distributed across various folders. As the number of files and folders operated on daily increases, it inevitably leads to difficulty in managing and organizing files on the computer. By adding quarter and year suffixes to the rightmost part of folder names, files can be distinguished and organized, allowing for quick location of files within specific time periods. If files are divided or updated quarterly, this method also facilitates end-of-year summarization and prevents working on outdated versions of files. Below is an explanation of how to batch add quarter and year suffixes to folder names, and it also supports adding prefix content.
2025-02-10HeSoft Doc Batch ToolAdd Prefix and Suffix to Folder NamesAdd Text to the Rightmost Side
166、Remove the suffix content like quarter, year, etc., from the right end of hundreds of folder file names
When creating the content of company projects every quarter, these files are uniformly placed into folders differentiated by quarter and year. As updates iterate and the number of files increases, distinguishing these folders becomes a challenge. It is necessary to remove the suffix content with quarters and years from a large number of folder names to better manage files without confusion. Below is an introduction on how to batch delete the suffix content with quarters and years from a large number of folder names.
2025-02-08HeSoft Doc Batch ToolFind and Replace Folder NamesDelete Keyword
167、Rename the file names of ten doc, docx, and other format files using the first line of content within the document
When multiple Word document file names need to be uniformly changed according to the content of the article to improve file recognition and ease of management, the first line of the title within the article is used to rename the files. A good file name can directly indicate its purpose without the need for further opening or additional explanation. When there are a large number of Word documents that need to be changed to the first line of content within their articles, opening each file one by one to view and rename is very time-consuming. Below is an introduction on how to batch modify the file names of a specified number of doc, docx, and other document files to the first line of content within the files at once.
2025-02-08HeSoft Doc Batch ToolRename Word files using the first line
168、Remove the prefix content from the file names of dozens of files at once
Before starting a project, drafts are usually created to describe various details of all files associated with the project. To distinguish these draft files, a template-like prefix is typically added to the beginning of the file names. Once the final version is determined, prefixes like 'draft' are no longer needed, and renaming each file individually to remove them can significantly lower work efficiency. Below is an introduction on how to batch remove the leftmost prefix content from a large number of files, with support for removing suffix content as well.
2025-02-08HeSoft Doc Batch ToolFind and Replace File NamesDelete Keyword
169、Convert the local disk paths in any column of dozens of Excel worksheets into jpg images to overwrite the content of the left-side cell while retaining the local disk paths
In multiple xls, xlsx spreadsheet files on the computer, there are a large number of local image paths, with many columns containing cells with local file paths. To enhance the visualization of the spreadsheet content, you need to convert all the image paths in a specific column into jpg images while retaining the original path content in the cells. How to overwrite the left cell with the generated images? Below is how to batch convert the path content of any column in dozens of Excel workbook files into images, overwriting and deleting the left cell while retaining the local image paths.
2025-02-08HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert local disk paths in Excel to images
170、Select a specified column in many xlsx spreadsheet files with http image URLs, overwrite and delete the corresponding right-side cell to convert them into jpg images
In Excel spreadsheets, http URLs reduce file size and enhance data transfer between worksheets. When visualizing links in the spreadsheet, it's necessary to convert these image URL links into image forms. If multiple columns contain URL image links, we need to select one column to convert the corresponding right-side cell into the image from the link, and retain the original URL link. How can this be done? Below is an introduction on how to batch convert a single column of http image URL links in multiple xls, xlsx spreadsheet files into jpg images in the form of overwriting and deleting the corresponding right-side cell, while keeping the converted image URL link unchanged.
2025-02-07HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert http URLs in Excel to images
171、Retain the image URL links in the xlsx table and batch overwrite the left cells with jpg, png, and other format images from the links for preview
In dozens of Excel spreadsheet files, there are a large amount of text data and image URL links. To make the worksheet data visually display and enhance content integrity, it is often necessary to convert the http URL links in the workbook into images. If it is necessary to retain the URL links in the Excel spreadsheet and also preview the images to ensure information integrity, we can choose to overwrite the corresponding cell to the left of the image URL link or support overwriting the right cell. Below is how to batch visualize the http URL links in dozens of xlsx worksheets by overwriting the cell on the left.
2025-02-07HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert http URLs in Excel to images
172、Batch export all images from fifty xls, xlsx spreadsheet files using jpg file format
When using Excel spreadsheets, exporting images from cells is a common data processing operation, making it easier to use images independently for various editing, modification, cropping, etc., and also reducing the size of Excel files. With dozens of xls, xlsx format spreadsheet files, each containing a large number of images, opening each file one by one to save the images would take an incalculable amount of time. The following introduces how to batch export all images from fifty Excel spreadsheet files to a specified folder at once.
2025-02-06HeSoft Doc Batch ToolExport images from Excel cellsSystem automatically sets image file names
173、How to export images from multiple Excel spreadsheets using the text in the cells as filenames
When you need to extract images from Excel worksheet cells for separate saving, having too many images in the table significantly reduces efficiency when saving them one by one. If the images need to be exported using the text from a specific column of cells in the Excel workbook as filenames, renaming them one by one becomes even more tedious. Below is an introduction on how to batch export image files from a large number of Excel spreadsheets using the text content of the cells as filenames.
2025-02-06HeSoft Doc Batch ToolExport images from Excel cellsUse the text of the cell as the image file name
174、Batch convert local image paths in twenty Excel worksheets to jpg, png, and other format images, overwrite the right cells, and retain the local image paths
When working with xls or xlsx format files, there are often a large number of local image paths in the table that need to be converted into jpg, png, or other image formats for easier viewing and previewing. If you need to retain the local image paths in the Excel table and still convert the paths into visualized image previews, what should you do? Below is an introduction on how to batch convert all local image paths in the table into image previews by overwriting the left or right cells while retaining the file paths.
2025-02-06HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert local disk paths in Excel to images
175、Dozens of jpg, png, gif, and other format images are evenly batch cropped into smaller images of equal size
When a large number of images need to be uniformly divided into the same size, it is often used for image layout on web pages, for teaching explanations with evenly split images, and for more detailed observation of evenly divided images in medical imaging and satellite maps. Dividing images evenly can enhance the visual expression and practicality of images in various fields, improving visual effects and overall experience. Below is an introduction on how to evenly split dozens or hundreds of images into smaller images of the same size, supporting jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, gif, tif, tiff, webp, tga, and avif formats.
2025-01-22HeSoft Doc Batch ToolSplit an image into multiple smaller imagesEvenly split into multiple grids, such as 9-grid, 6-grid, etc.
176、In more than thirty Excel worksheets, extract several columns of local image paths in bulk into a single column and replace images based on file paths
When there are too many local image paths in an xlsx file, long periods of inactivity can lead to invalid image paths in the table after renaming or moving image files while organizing computer files. Additionally, as the number of images increases, managing them becomes very complex, and local files can easily become disorganized. If we only need to preview one column from multiple columns of paths in numerous tables as images to enhance the visualization of Excel files, how can we quickly perform batch operations?
2025-01-22HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert local disk paths in Excel to images
177、In twenty Excel worksheets, there are image URL links in multiple columns. How to batch extract a single column and convert it into jpg, png, and other image formats?
When working with xlsx files, we store a large number of image URL links in multiple columns of the cells. To directly and intuitively retrieve information from the table and improve interactivity within the table, we need to convert these image URL links into jpg, png, and other image formats for preview in the worksheet. If there are multiple columns with URL links in the Excel table, but we only need to extract the URL links from a specific column, how can we perform the operation of extracting and converting them individually? Below is an introduction on how to convert image URL links in a specific column of cells in multiple xlsx files into image format.
2025-01-21HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert http URLs in Excel to images
178、Batch convert local image paths in one hundred xlsx and xls spreadsheet files into jpg, png, and other image formats
When creating Excel worksheets, local images are often referenced and inserted into the cells of the table. To reduce the size of the Excel file to improve loading speed, view images without an internet connection, and facilitate the updating and management of images in the workbook, we usually input the local image disk path instead of the image. When working with xlsx worksheets, if we no longer need the local image paths but want to convert all the paths into visualized images for easier file preview and to avoid opening the paths to view them, what should we do? Below is an introduction on how to convert all local image paths in numerous Excel files into previewable jpg, png, and other image formats.
2025-01-21HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert local disk paths in Excel to images
179、Batch convert http URL links in dozens of Excel spreadsheet cells into images
When working with various stores or tasks that require previewing images in spreadsheets, after collecting images using xlsx format files for easier data transmission, many workbook files use URLs or other hyperlinks to replace images. This results in only seeing text and links during file preview, without visualized images. You have to open each link individually to view, identify, and distinguish, which greatly affects efficiency. Below is an introduction on how to convert all URL links in the cells of multiple Excel spreadsheet files into images.
2025-01-21HeSoft Doc Batch ToolConvert image addresses in Excel to imagesConvert http URLs in Excel to images
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