About Us

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Our Past

It was 2013, a wonderful beginning. We created our first utility software, focused on "batch modifying file contents," and released it on an online forum.

We did not intend to continue updating this software, but we gradually received inquiries and recognition from some users. Therefore, from that time on, we began to maintain communication with users, providing irregular maintenance and updates.

Our Present

Years later, the clash between ideals and reality made us realize that our initial enthusiasm had long since faded. After some struggles, we decided to try commercializing and launched a membership system.

Many long-time users activated their memberships right away and even made additional donations to us, which provided us with great support and confidence. Although this was just a drop in the bucket for us, it was still a way to give ourselves an explanation. Looking back now, it was all worth it.

Now, we are even more convinced of our philosophy: to wholeheartedly solve every simple and repetitive problem.

Our Future

We hope for a better future and to gain recognition from more users!

Disclaimer: The text, images, videos, etc., on this website are limited to the software version and operating environment used when creating this content. If subsequent product updates cause your operations to differ from the content on the website, please refer to the actual situation!