Tens of thousands of PDF files are batch converted to PDF/A version files suitable for long-term storage
Translation:简体中文繁體中文EnglishFrançaisDeutschEspañol日本語한국어,Updated on:2025-03-06 17:54
Summary:PDF has multiple versions, each with different functions and improvements, adapting to the ever-changing technological needs and scenarios. For example, PDF/A is a format specifically designed for long-term archiving, allowing documents to be preserved for future use, ensuring they can still be opened and viewed properly. Additionally, PDF/A supports metadata and text search, enabling efficient retrieval and management of document archives. Below is an introduction on how to convert a large number of PDF files into PDF/A versions in one go.
1、Usage Scenarios
There are hundreds or thousands of PDF files that need to be preserved for future use or submitted in PDF/A version to institutions, archives, etc. Directly batch convert them to PDF/A format to ensure the files are uploaded correctly and can still be opened and viewed later.
2、Operation Steps
Open the 【HeSoft Doc Batch Tool】 and select 【PDF Tools】 - 【PDF to Other PDF Versions】.
【Add File】 to add single or multiple PDF files that need conversion to PDF/A version.
【Import Files from Folder】 to import all PDF files from the selected folder.
Below, you can view the imported files.
Select any required version among PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u for PDF conversion.
After processing is complete, click on the save location to view the successfully converted version of the PDF files.