Batch convert many PDF files at once into an accessible PDF/UA version format
Translation:简体中文繁體中文EnglishFrançaisDeutschEspañol日本語한국어,Updated on:2025-03-06 17:53
Summary:PDF/UA is a format specifically designed for accessibility, suitable for providing a readable experience for visually impaired users, and supports screen readers and font adjustments. When submitting documents, some laws and institutions also adopt the PDF/UA format. Moreover, the PDF/UA format ensures that the document content structure is clear, maintaining the integrity of the document content when uploading contracts, certificates, or important reports. Below is an explanation of how to quickly batch convert PDFs to PDF/UA format to enhance document accessibility and compatibility.
1、Usage Scenarios
When there are numerous PDF files that need to be distributed to visually impaired or disabled users for browsing or submitted in an accessible format to educational institutions, public sectors, etc., convert them in batch to the PDF/UA universal accessible format. This provides an accessible reading experience for visually impaired and disabled users, ensuring the files are user-friendly for everyone.
2、Operation Steps
Open the 【HeSoft Doc Batch Tool】 and select 【PDF Tools】 - 【PDF to Other PDF Versions】.
【Add File】 to add single or multiple PDF files that need conversion to PDF/UA version.
【Import Files from Folder】 to import all PDF files from the selected folder.
Below, you can view the imported files.
Select the PDF/UA-1 version for PDF conversion.
After processing is complete, click on the save location to view the successfully converted version of the PDF files.